115 Main St, Box 308, Cudworth, SK, S0K 1B0
Delbert Kirsch
First elected in 2003, Delbert was re-elected in the 2007, 2011, 2016, and 2020 provincial elections. He is the government Deputy Caucus Chair.
During his term in opposition, Delbert served as the Saskatchewan Party critic for Forestry, deputy critic for Northern Affairs and Industry & Commerce, and as deputy chair of the Standing Committee on the Economy.
Following the formation of a Saskatchewan Party government, Delbert served as the chair of the Standing Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs and Justice. Delbert was also appointed as Legislative Secretary to the Premier (Saskatchewan Heritage Initiative) and as a Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing.
Delbert has served Saskatchewan as Deputy Government House Leader, chair of the Private Members Committee, a member of the House Services, Crown and Central Agencies, Intergovernmental Affair & Justice, and Privileges committees.
Delbert currently serves on the caucus Management Committee. He is a member of the Economy, Private Bills, and Public Accounts committees.
Delbert and Valerie have three grown children.